HL7 FHIR Profile: Skin and Wound Assessment, Release 1 (For Comment)


<StructureDefinition xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
  <id value="cimi-statement-ConditionCause-model"/>
    <status value="generated"/>
    <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  <p><b>SW ConditionCause Logical Model</b></p>
  <p>The cause of the condition. This includes such causes as disease vectors and endogenous states (e.g., macular degeneration due to diabetes), substances, medications, micro-organisms, and forces associated with the occurrence of a Condition from temporal or causative perspectives</p>
    <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/us/sw"/>
    <value value="cimi.statement.ConditionCause"/>
  <version value="1.0.0"/>
  <name value="ConditionCauseModel"/>
  <title value="SW ConditionCause Logical Model"/>
  <status value="draft"/>
  <date value="2018-08-17T00:00:00-04:00"/>
             value="HL7 Patient Care and Clinical Information Modeling Initiative Work Groups"/>
      <system value="url"/>
      <value value="http://standardhealthrecord.org"/>
               value="The cause of the condition. This includes such causes as disease vectors and endogenous states (e.g., macular degeneration due to diabetes), substances, medications, micro-organisms, and forces associated with the occurrence of a Condition from temporal or causative perspectives"/>
  <kind value="logical"/>
  <abstract value="false"/>
  <type value="cimi-statement-ConditionCause-model"/>
  <baseDefinition value="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Element"/>
  <derivation value="specialization"/>
    <element id="cimi-statement-ConditionCause-model">
      <path value="cimi-statement-ConditionCause-model"/>
                  value="The cause of the condition. This includes such causes as disease vectors and endogenous states (e.g., macular degeneration due to diabetes), substances, medications, micro-organisms, and forces associated with the occurrence of a Condition from temporal or causative perspectives"/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="*"/>
        <path value="cimi-statement-ConditionCause-model"/>
        <min value="0"/>
        <max value="*"/>
      <mustSupport value="false"/>
      <isModifier value="false"/>
      <isSummary value="false"/>
    <element id="cimi-statement-ConditionCause-model.value[x]">
      <path value="cimi-statement-ConditionCause-model.value[x]"/>
             value="Choice of types representing the cause of the condition. This includes such causes as disease vectors and endogenous states (e.g., macular degeneration due to diabetes), substances, medications, micro-organisms, and forces associated with the occurrence of a Condition from temporal or causative perspectives"/>
                  value="Choice of types representing the cause of the condition. This includes such causes as disease vectors and endogenous states (e.g., macular degeneration due to diabetes), substances, medications, micro-organisms, and forces associated with the occurrence of a Condition from temporal or causative perspectives"/>
      <min value="1"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <path value="cimi-statement-ConditionCause-model.value[x]"/>
        <min value="1"/>
        <max value="1"/>
        <code value="Coding"/>
        <code value="Reference"/>
        <code value="Reference"/>
      <mustSupport value="false"/>
      <isModifier value="false"/>
      <isSummary value="false"/>
    <element id="cimi-statement-ConditionCause-model">
      <path value="cimi-statement-ConditionCause-model"/>
                  value="The cause of the condition. This includes such causes as disease vectors and endogenous states (e.g., macular degeneration due to diabetes), substances, medications, micro-organisms, and forces associated with the occurrence of a Condition from temporal or causative perspectives"/>
      <min value="0"/>
      <max value="*"/>
        <path value="cimi-statement-ConditionCause-model"/>
        <min value="0"/>
        <max value="*"/>
      <mustSupport value="false"/>
      <isModifier value="false"/>
      <isSummary value="false"/>
    <element id="cimi-statement-ConditionCause-model.value[x]">
      <path value="cimi-statement-ConditionCause-model.value[x]"/>
             value="Choice of types representing the cause of the condition. This includes such causes as disease vectors and endogenous states (e.g., macular degeneration due to diabetes), substances, medications, micro-organisms, and forces associated with the occurrence of a Condition from temporal or causative perspectives"/>
                  value="Choice of types representing the cause of the condition. This includes such causes as disease vectors and endogenous states (e.g., macular degeneration due to diabetes), substances, medications, micro-organisms, and forces associated with the occurrence of a Condition from temporal or causative perspectives"/>
      <min value="1"/>
      <max value="1"/>
        <path value="cimi-statement-ConditionCause-model.value[x]"/>
        <min value="1"/>
        <max value="1"/>
        <code value="Coding"/>
        <code value="Reference"/>
        <code value="Reference"/>
      <mustSupport value="false"/>
      <isModifier value="false"/>
      <isSummary value="false"/>