Element | Description |
BedAreaPercentageByAppearance |
The area of the wound that is a specific color out of the total wound bed area (e.g., red 50%, yellow 40%, black 10%). The color is identified using [LOINC: 39132-6]. - LOINC 89255-4 (Wound bed area identified by color/Area of wound bed) |
BedAreaPercentageByColor |
The percent of the wound bed appearance is the area of identified wound bed appearance (necrotic, sloughing, etc.; see LOINC 72371-8) compared to the total area of the wound bed. For example, 40% of the wound bed is necrotic. Results can either be subjective or measured. - LOINC 72370-0 (Area of identified wound bed appearance/Area of wound bed of Wound base) |
BodyLocationQualifier |
Category |
Description |
ClinicalStatement |
Description |
CodeableConcept |
A set of codes drawn from different coding systems, representing the same concept. |
CodedEvaluationComponent | |
CodeSystem |
A formal terminology system. |
CodeSystemVersion |
The version of the vocabulary being used, if applicable. |
Coding |
Coding of a concept, drawn from a controlled vocabulary. Includes the vocabulary and version, if applicable. May include a display text, and a descriptor expressing the intended interpretation of the code. |
Comment |
Description |
Comparator | |
ContentVersion |
Description |
ContextCode |
Description |
Cosigned |
Description |
DataAbsentReason |
Description |
DateAbated |
The date that a condition resolved, went into remission, or was no longer relevant, or the date on which this is expected to occur. This concept is based on the abatement element within the HL7 FHIR Condition Resource. - LOINC 88878-4 (Date of condition abatement) |
DateOfOnsetOfImpairment |
The beginning or first appearance of a mental or physical disorder. |
DateReported |
Description |
DateTime |
Description |
DateTimeIssued |
Description |
DeltaFlag |
Description |
DerivedFrom |
Description |
Description |
Description |
DisplayText |
A string meant for reading by a person, for example, accompanying a code. |
DrainageAmount |
EdgeDescription |
EvaluationComponent |
A simplified, non-separable evaluation consisting of a finding code (represented by the Concept), value (or exception value), reference range, and interpretation. The subject of the evaluation component is the same as in the parent evaluation. |
ExceptionValue |
A value describing the reason for a missing value. |
ExudateAppearance |
Identifier |
Description |
InformationEntry |
Description |
InformationSource |
Description |
InjuryCause |
Interpretation |
Description |
IsExudatePresent |
Presence or absence of wound drainage. - LOINC 89259-6 (Presence of wound exudate) In Loinc this is a code with Yes, No values |
IsPatientReported |
Description |
IsTunnelingPresent |
Tunneling of a wound refers to a narrow opening or pathway underneath the skin that may extend in any direction, resulting in dead space with potential for abscess formation. - LOINC 72298-3 (Tunneling of Wound) In Loinc this is a code with Yes, No values |
IsUnderminingPresent |
Undermining of a wound refers to tissue destruction that extends under the intact wound edge. The wound is larger at its base (wound bed) than at the skin surface. With pressure ulcers, undermining may be caused by a bacterial infection or associated with osteomyelitis. - LOINC 72295-9 (Undermining of Wound) In Loinc this is a code with Yes, No values |
LateralityComponent |
Method |
Description |
Narrative |
A human-readable narrative, potentially including images, that contains a summary of the resource, and may be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. |
NarrativeQualifier |
Additional information on how the narrative was generated, and the scope of information contained. |
ObservationStatement |
A base class for representing observed facts, including provenance |
ObservedCharacteristic |
A coded property. |
Odor |
PanelMembers |
PanelMembers represent the elements of a group of a related but independent evaluations. Examples are the measurements that compose a complete blood count (CBC), or the elements of a pathology report. Each member is an independent evaluation, but the grouping reflects a composite lab order, shared specimen, or a single report author. Typically the Category and Reason are not given for individual findings that are part of the panel, but rather given at the level of the panel itself. |
PartOf |
Description |
PeriwoundDescription |
A description of the skin around the wound (periwound). Color, induration, warmth and edema should be assessed. Redness of the surrounding skin can be indicative of unrelieved pressure. Irritation of the surrounding skin can result from exposure to feces or urine, a reaction to the dressing or tape, or inappropriate removal of dressing or tape. Redness, tenderness, warmth and swelling are classical clinical signs of infection. [Reference: Brown, P., 2009] - LOINC 72301-5 (Description of Periwound) |
PressureUlcerStage |
The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel redefined the definition of a pressure ulcer and the stages of pressure ulcers in 2007, including the original 4 stages (Non-blanchable erythema - Stage I, partial thickness – Stage II, full thickness skin loss – Stage III, and full thickness tissue loss – Stage IV) and adding 2 stages on deep tissue injury and unstageable pressure ulcers. As defined by the NPUAP, a pressure ulcer is localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear. - LOINC 72527-5 (Pressure ulcer stage NPUAP) |
Quantity |
A quantity with units, whose value may be bounded from above or below, as defined in FHIR |
Recorded |
Description |
RecordStatus |
Description |
Reliability |
Description |
ResultStatus |
Description |
Signed |
Description |
SourceRecordType |
Description |
SourceSystem |
Description |
TemporalContext |
Description |
TopicCode |
The concept representing the finding or action that is the topic of the statement. For action topics, the TopicCode represents the action being described. For findings, the TopicCode represents the 'question' or property being investigated. For evaluation result findings, the TopicCode contains a concept for an observable entity, such as systolic blood pressure. For assertion findings, the TopicCode contains a code representing the condition, allergy, or other item being asserted. In all cases, the TopicCode describes the topic of the action or the finding. |
TunnelingClockPosition |
No Values and id in SNOMED - LOINC 72297-5 (Tunneling clock position of Wound) |
TunnelingLength |
UnderminingClockPosition |
No Valueset and id in SNOMED - LOINC 72294-2 (Undermining clock position of Wound) |
UnderminingLength |
Undermining of a wound refers to tissue destruction that extends under the intact wound edge. The wound is larger at its base (wound bed) than at the skin surface. With pressure ulcers, undermining may be caused by a bacterial infection or associated with osteomyelitis. - LOINC 72293-4 (Undermining [Length] of Wound |
Units |
Code for the unit of measure of the quantity. |
Verified |
Description |
VisibleStructure |
Exposed body structures, devices, and/or foreign bodies visible by the naked eye in a wound. - LOINC 89250-5 (Device or anatomic structure visible in wound) |
WasPresentOnAdmission |
WoundArea |
The area inside the wound edge boundary. Wound length x wound width. - LOINC 89260-4 (Area of wound) |
WoundAssertion |
Assertion of the existence of a wound on a patient |
WoundAssessment |
LOINC 39135-9 (Wound assessment panel) |
WoundBaseAppearance |
Described as necrotic, sloughing, fibrinous, granulated, intact, approximated, etc. The wound bed appearance may or may not be differentiated from the wound edge, especially if the wound is healing well. - LOINC 72371-8 (Appearance of Wound base) |
WoundBaseColor |
LOINC 39132-6 (Color of Wound base) |
WoundBed |
WoundDepth |
WoundEdge |
WoundEdgeColor |
WoundEpisode |
WoundExudate |
WoundExudateColor |
WoundHealingAssessment |
WoundIdentifier |
The wound number identifies a specific wound in cases where a patient has more than one wound at a given point in time. - LOINC 81666-0 (Wound number [Identifier]) |
WoundLength |
WoundSite |
WoundSiteIdentification |
LOINC 72369-2 (Body site identification panel) |
WoundSize |
WoundTrend |
Whether a condition is improving, worsening, stable, or resolved. - LOINC 89253-9 (Trend) |
WoundTunneling |
LOINC 89257-0 (Wound tunneling panel) |
WoundType |
WoundUndermining |
LOINC 89258-8 (Wound undermining panel) |
WoundWidth |