The official URL for this logical model is:
A description of an interaction between a patient and healthcare provider(s) for the purpose of providing healthcare service(s) or assessing the health status of a patient.
This logical model was published on Fri Aug 17 00:00:00 EDT 2018 as a draft by HL7 Patient Care and Clinical Information Modeling Initiative Work Groups.
View the corresponding EncounterProfile profile.
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
cimi-encounter-Encounter-model | 0..* | |||
personOfRecord | 0..1 | Reference(SW Person Logical Model) | The person this entry belongs to. | |
recorded | 0..1 | AttributionModel | The person who entered the order on behalf of another individual for example in the case of a verbal or a telephone order. | |
signed | 0..1 | AttributionModel | Provenance information specific to the signing of the clinical statement. | |
additionalText | 0..1 | string | A text note containing additional details, explanation, description, comment, or summarization. Details can discuss, support, explain changes to, or dispute information. | |
encounterClass | 0..1 | Coding | Concepts representing classification of patient encounter such as ambulatory (outpatient), inpatient, emergency, home health or others due to local variations. | |
encounterType | 0..* | Coding | Specific type of encounter (e.g. e-mail consultation, surgical day-care, skilled nursing, rehabilitation). Binding: ActEncounterCode (extensible) | |
timePeriod | 0..1 | TimePeriodModel | A period of time defined by a start and end time, date, or year. | |
status | code, Coding | The current standing or state. Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this | ||
valueCode | 1..1 | code | Choice of types representing the current standing or state. Binding: EncounterStatus (required) | |
partOf | 0..1 | Reference(SW Encounter Logical Model) | The larger entity that this is a portion of. For example, an organization might be part of a larger organization, or an encounter with a hospitalist might be part of a larger hospitalization encounter. | |
diagnosis | 0..* | DiagnosisModel | A diagnosis, which is a disease or injury determined to be present through evaluation of patient history, examination, and/or review of laboratory data. | |
clinicalNote | 0..1 | Reference(SW ClinicalNote Logical Model) | An entry concerning a patient where the result is a narrative text. | |
Documentation for this format |
Downloads: StructureDefinition: (XML, JSON, TTL)
Path | Name | Conformance | ValueSet |
cimi-encounter-Encounter-model.encounterType | ActEncounterCode | extensible | ActEncounterCode |
cimi-encounter-Encounter-model.status.valueCode | EncounterStatus | required | EncounterStatus |