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A condition that is or may be present in a subject. ‘Condition’ is interpreted broadly and could be a disorder, abnormality, problem, injury, complaint, functionality, illness, disease, ailment, sickness, affliction, upset, difficulty, disorder, symptom, worry, or trouble.
This logical model was published on Fri Aug 17 00:00:00 EDT 2018 as a draft by HL7 Patient Care and Clinical Information Modeling Initiative Work Groups.
View the corresponding ConditionPresenceStatementProfile profile.
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
cimi-statement-ConditionPresenceStatement-model | 0..* | |||
personOfRecord | 1..1 | Reference(SW Person Logical Model) | The person this entry belongs to. | |
recorded | 0..1 | AttributionModel | The person who entered the order on behalf of another individual for example in the case of a verbal or a telephone order. | |
signed | 0..1 | AttributionModel | Provenance information specific to the signing of the clinical statement. | |
additionalText | 0..1 | string | A text note containing additional details, explanation, description, comment, or summarization. Details can discuss, support, explain changes to, or dispute information. | |
contextCode | 0..1 | Coding | Code representing the sense in which the statement is interpreted, for example, the degree of presence in a PresenceStatement. Binding: SW PresenceContextVS ValueSet (required) | |
statementTopic | 0..1 | StatementTopicModel | Compositional and reusable grouping of clinical statement attributes that make up the clinical focus of a statement. | |
encounter | 0..1 | EncounterModel | A description of an interaction between a patient and healthcare provider(s) for the purpose of providing healthcare service(s) or assessing the health status of a patient. | |
interpretation | 0..1 | Coding | A clinical interpretation of a finding (applies to both assertions and observation). Binding: Observation Interpretation Codes (extensible) | |
relevantTime | 0..1 | dateTime, TimePeriodModel | The time or time period that the finding addresses. | |
findingMethod | 0..1 | Coding | The technique used to create the finding, for example, the specific imaging technical, lab test code, or assessment vehicle. Binding: SW FindingMethodVS ValueSet (preferred) | |
media | 0..* | MediaModel | A file that contains audio, video, image, or similar content. | |
verificationStatus | 1..1 | Coding | Whether an assessment has been confirmed by testing or observation. | |
onset | 0..1 | dateTime, AgeModel, TimePeriodModel, RangeModel, string | The beginning or first appearance of a mental or physical disorder. | |
abatement | 0..1 | dateTime, AgeModel, boolean, TimePeriodModel, RangeModel, string | The end, remission or resolution. | |
certainty | 0..1 | Coding | The degree of confidence in a conclusion or assertion. | |
topicCode | 1..1 | Coding | The concept representing the finding or action that is the topic of the statement. Binding: (extensible) | |
category | 1..* | Coding | The type, kind, or class of this item. Binding: SW ConditionCategoryVS ValueSet (required) | |
anatomicalLocation | 0..* | AnatomicalLocationModel | A location or structure in the body, including tissues, regions, cavities, and spaces; for example, right elbow, or left ventricle of the heart. | |
conditionCause | 0..* | Coding, Reference(SW Entity Logical Model | SW ClinicalStatement Logical Model) | The cause of the condition. This includes such causes as disease vectors and endogenous states (e.g., macular degeneration due to diabetes), substances, medications, micro-organisms, and forces associated with the occurrence of a Condition from temporal or causative perspectives | |
conditionIdentifier | 0..1 | string | A human-readable identifier for the condition at the finding site, for example, a wound number or tumor identifier. | |
clinicalStatus | 1..1 | code | A flag indicating whether the condition is active or inactive, recurring, in remission, or resolved (as of the last update of the Condition). Binding: Condition Clinical Status Codes (required) | |
whenClinicallyRecognized | 0..1 | date | The time at which a condition or condition was first identified in a healthcare context. | |
presentOnAdmission | 0..1 | Coding | If the problem or condition existed before the current episode of care. Binding: SW YesNoUnknownVS ValueSet (required) | |
severity | 0..1 | Coding | Degree of harshness or extent of a symptom, disorder, or condition. Binding: Condition/Diagnosis Severity (required) | |
criticality | 0..1 | code | The potential clinical harm associated with a condition. When the worst case result is assessed to have a life-threatening or organ system threatening potential, it is considered to be of high criticality. Binding: AllergyIntoleranceCriticality (required) | |
stage | 0..1 | StageModel | The relative advancement in the course of a disease. The value is the summary stage or stage group. StageDetail optionally contains the full staging information. | |
Documentation for this format |
Downloads: StructureDefinition: (XML, JSON, TTL)
Path | Name | Conformance | ValueSet |
cimi-statement-ConditionPresenceStatement-model.contextCode | SW PresenceContextVS ValueSet | required | PresenceContextVS |
cimi-statement-ConditionPresenceStatement-model.interpretation | Observation Interpretation Codes | extensible | Observation Interpretation Codes |
cimi-statement-ConditionPresenceStatement-model.findingMethod | SW FindingMethodVS ValueSet | preferred | FindingMethodVS |
cimi-statement-ConditionPresenceStatement-model.topicCode | Problem Value Set | extensible | Problem Value Set |
cimi-statement-ConditionPresenceStatement-model.category | SW ConditionCategoryVS ValueSet | required | ConditionCategoryVS |
cimi-statement-ConditionPresenceStatement-model.clinicalStatus | Condition Clinical Status Codes | required | Condition Clinical Status Codes |
cimi-statement-ConditionPresenceStatement-model.presentOnAdmission | SW YesNoUnknownVS ValueSet | required | YesNoUnknownVS |
cimi-statement-ConditionPresenceStatement-model.severity | Condition/Diagnosis Severity | required | Condition/Diagnosis Severity |
cimi-statement-ConditionPresenceStatement-model.criticality | AllergyIntoleranceCriticality | required | AllergyIntoleranceCriticality |